On-demand Workshops & Trainings/Study visits

The ACSH implements the format of short-term training programs and study visits which provides a unique opportunity for participants to learn best practices in the field of public administration and civil service, the policies and work of state bodies, exchange experiences, including peer learning.

  • 17-20 December. Astana. Kazkahstan

    Seminar on "Training Appraisers." This seminar was organized at the request of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs. Experts from the State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan were invited to conduct the seminar at the Institute of Human Resources Managementt of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  • 12 December. Astana. Kazkahstan

    Open lecture by A. Baimenov for the faculty, scholars, and students of Maksut Narikbayev University on the topic “Modern Public Administration”. The lecture was organized at the request of Maksut Narikbaev University as part of a series of open lectures dedicated to the anniversary of M. Narikbaev

  • 5-6 December. Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia

    А Capacity Development Workshop "Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector" for civil servants of 12 countries. This event was organized by the ACSH, the MOIS, and NIA of the Republic of Korea, in collaboration with UNDP Kazakhstan. It was held in partnership with the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPTC) of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT), with support from the UNDP Cambodia Country Office.

  • 5 December. Astana. Kazkahstan

    A. Baimenov delivered a lecture titled "On the Challenges and Some Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Public Administration" for the akims of the districts of Kazakhstan. This event was part of the "Leaders of the New Formation" program and was requested by the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  • September-December. Astana

    The course “Public Policy” for students at the National School of Public Policy of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This course was organized by the Astana civil service hub and included the development of a comprehensive curriculum. Top government officials and recognized experts in governance were invited as guest lecturers.

  • 25-27 September. South Korea

    Study visits on “Digital Transformation Practices of Korea”. This event is part of a joint project of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea, the National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea, UNDP, and ACSH.

  • 20 September. Astana

    Workshop “Long-term Priorities and Quick Wins. Can they be harmonized?”. Joint event of the Public Council of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Astana Civil Service Hub

  • 15 July

    Online Lecture on: “The Development of Local Government in the Kyrgyz Republic: what has changed by May 2024?”. The guest lecturer was a scientist and politician, Mr. Aaly Karashev. The open lecture was delivered as part of a series of joint online conferences on "Worldwide Public Administration and Civil Service". Organisers: Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, ACSH, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 26 June

    Online Workshop on Project Management. The workshop was organized jointly with the Narikbayev University.

  • April-June

    Two guest lectures by A. Baimenov were held at the Karaganda branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The lectures took place on April 29 and June 6, and were attended by district akims and heads of departments from the Karaganda region. The topic of the lectures was "Development of Public Administration in the Modern World," and they were organized at the invitation of the regional akimat. Additionally, A. Baimenov gave a guest lecture at the Almaty branch of the Academy for civil servants on May 28.

  • 21 June. Astana, Kazakhstan

    The International Conference “Exchange of experience in the Development of Modern HR”. The Conference was organized jointly with the Academy of Public Administration under the president of Kazakhstan and HR Association Qazaqstan with the invitation of experts from Republic of Korea, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Belgium, UNDP.

  • 21 June. Astana, Kazakhstan

    Open discussion on “Key challenges in HR”. The discussion was organized jointly with the Narikbayev University with the invitation of experts from the the Gender Equality Seal for Public Institutions of the UNDP, Federal Public Service Policy and Support of Belgium, as well as HR specialists from the corporate and private sectors.

  • 29-30 May. Almaty, Kazakhstan

    The Inter-regional conference "Gathering Priorities for Digital Governance and Digital Transformation". The conference organized by the Astana Civil Service Hub, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS), and the National Information Society Agency (NIA) of the Republic of Korea, along with UNDP in Kazakhstan, provided participants with the opportunity to learn from the best international practices and case studies in the field of innovation and digitalization in public administration.

  • 29 May. Almaty. Kazakhstan.

    A lecture titled “Theory and Practice of Public Administration” by A. Baimenov was organized for individuals entering the civil service for the first time. This initiative was requested by the Almaty branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • 24 May. Tbilisi, Georgia

    ACSH Panel Session on “Public Administration in the New Reality” at NISPAcee Annual Conference 2024.

  • 17 May

    Online Workshop on AI and New Technologies.

  • 26 April. Bishkek-Astana.

    Online lecture on the topic: "Human resource management in Kazakhstan in modern conditions" by Ms. Gulmira Raissova, Chairperson, Coordinating Council, Association of HR Managers as part of a series of joint online conferences on "Worldwide Public Administration and Civil Service" (2024, Conference No. 1). Organizers: Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, ACSH, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 17 April. New York, USA

    ACSH Side event “Progress, Challenges, and Prospects of E-Government: Experience and Cases of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan” in the framework of the 23rd Session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration

  • 13 April. Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA

    ACSH Panel Session on “Digital Transformation in Civil Service HRM: Challenges and Best Practices in the ACSH participating countries” at ASPA Annual Conference 2024

  • 12-13 March. Astana

    Seminar on "Emergency and Crisis Management in the Public Sector". The seminar was organized jointly with the GSPP NU with the invitation of experts from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.

  • 13 February. Dubai, UAE

    Ministerial Round Table ”Empowering A.I. for Emerging Nations” within World Government Summit.

  • 21 December. Astana.

    Round table “Digital government of civil servants. Execution of laws within the parliamentary form and methods of control. Constitutional reform and optimization". The round table was organized jointly with the Institute of Parliamentarism with the invitation of experts from the Georgian Parliamentary Research Center.

  • 15 December. Astana-Seoul-Tashkent-Bishkek.

    Online webinar «A Cross-Country Comparison of Electronic Human Resource Management Systems: Selected Cases of Three Central Asia Countries and the Republic of Korea». The study was conducted by the ACSH in partnership with the Ministry of Human Resources of the Republic of Korea.

  • 6-7 December. Almaty.

    The workshop "Standards Frameworks for Digital Transformation". It gathered leading government representatives from Central Asia and the Caucasus, along with key experts from the Government of the Republic of Korea and the UNIDO to exchange knowledge and experience and explore potential strategies for planning and utilising standards frameworks for digital transformation processes. The workshop focused on a collection of different standards included in a knowledge product titled “Standards Frameworks for Digital Transformation”, which provided valuable input to the discussion. This event is part of a joint project of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea, the National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea, UNDP, and ACSH.

  • 1 December. Astana. UN Building.

    Study visit for students of the National School of Public Policy of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Civil servants from 19 government agencies were told about the mission, activities and results of the Astana Civil Service Hub.

  • 27-30 November. New-York. USA.

    The capacity development workshop on "Merit-based civil service HRM in the 21st century". The workshop was a jointly organized by the UN International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) and ACSH.

  • November 23. Bishkek.

    Open online lecture on the topic “Project thinking in the context of the new model of public administration in Kazakhstan - “People First”. Guest lecturer – Gulnara Issenova, Director of the Development Center of NJSC “Toraigyrov University”. The open lecture was delivered as part of a series of joint online conferences on "Worldwide Public Administration and Civil Service". Organisers: Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, ACSH, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 27 October. Astana.

    Lecture by A. Baimenov for civil servants of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan on “International experience in the field of strategic planning”.

  • September 28. Bishkek.

    Open online lecture on the topic “Communication channels for the public and government agencies in Kazakhstan.” Guest lecturer – Deputy Director of the Public Opinion Research Institute. The open lecture was delivered as part of a series of joint online conferences on "Worldwide Public Administration and Civil Service". Organisers: Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, ACSH, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 11-13 September. Republic of Korea.

    The study visit to specialized government agencies of the Republic of Korea was organised for representatives of the seven participating countries to explore best practices, policies and technologies for better digital government transformation and public services. This event is part of a joint project of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea, the National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea, UNDP, and ACSH.

  • 25-26 July. Baku. Azerbaijan.

    The workshop on "e-Government Development in Azerbaijan: Challenges, Partnership and Prospects". The workshop was a jointly organized by the Innovation and Digital Development Agency under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ACSH, and UNDP in Kazakhstan.  

  • 12 July. Bishkek.

    Online lecture on: “The Development of Local Government in the Kyrgyz Republic: what has changed by May 2023?”. The guest lecturer was a scientist and politician, Mr. Aaly Karashev. The open lecture was delivered as part of a series of joint online conferences on "Worldwide Public Administration and Civil Service" (2023, Conference No. 4). Organisers: Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, ACSH, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 15-16 June. Burabay. Kazakhstan

    Forum on Strengthening the Principles of Impeccable Reputation in the Public Service. Forum was jointly organised by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service and the ACSH.

  • 29–30 May. Sarajevo. Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Study trip on «Civil Service and Integrity: BIH and EI process» for delegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Republic of Azerbaijan.

  • 25-27 May. Belgrade. Serbia

    The Capacity Development Workshop on “Public Administration and New Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities” in the framework of the 31st NISPAcee Annual Conference on “The Future of Public Administration Enabled through Emerging Technologies”. A capacity-development workshop jointly organised by the ACSH, the UNDESA, and the NISPAcee.


  • 24 May. Astana. Bishkek

    Online lecture on: “Peculiarities of Development and the Role of the Civil Service in Kazakhstan”. The guest lecturer is Mr. Ali Komekbaev, Head of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in Astana. This open lecture was delivered as part of a series of joint online conferences on "Worldwide Public Administration and Civil Service" (2023, Conference No. 3). Organizers: Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, ACSH, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 17-19 May. Astana. Kazakhstan

    The ACSH Annual Conference on “Meritocracy. Integrity. Innovation”

  • 17-18 May. Astana. Kazakhstan

    Capacity Development Workshop on “Change Management for Digital Transformation”. This event is part of a joint project of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea, the National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea, UNDP, and ACSH

  • May 15-16. Kostanay. Kazakhstan

    Seminar for civil servants in SMM and media management

  • 27-28 April. Astana. Kazakhstan

    The Conference on “Open Government and New Culture of Governance: Hear, Understand, and Act”. The event was organized by the  Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs, and ACSH.

  • 12 April. Bishkek-Baku-Astana.

    Online lecture on the topic:  "The Public Administration System in Azerbaijan: strengths and weaknesses (an inside view)" by Mr. Bahram Khalilov, Deputy Chairperson, State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan as part of a series of joint online conferences on "Worldwide Public Administration and Civil Service" (2023, Conference No. 2). Organizers: Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, ACSH, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 24 March. USA.

    The ACSH panel session “Public Administration in the New Reality” within a virtual ASPA Annual Conference on “Protecting Democracy for the Next Generation: The Role and Responsibility of Public Administration”

  • 1 March. Bishkek-Tbilisi-Astana.

    Online lecture on the topic: "Current Model of Public Administration in Georgia and Professional Development System for Civil Servants in Georgia" by Mrs. Maia Dvalishvili, Deputy Head of the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia as part of a series of joint online conferences on "Worldwide Public Administration and Civil Service" (2023, Conference No. 1). Organizers: Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, ACSH, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 20-21 December. Baku. Azerbaijan.

    The workshop on “Merit-based civil service HRM in the XXI century”. The event was organised by the Astana Civil Service Hub (ACSH) with the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) and the State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SEC).

  • 10-11. December. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The seminar "Effective communications" for heads of government agencies. The event was organized by the ACSH, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 9 December. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The HR forum “HR in civil service: transition to strategic HRM” was organized by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs, the ACSH, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 6-7 December. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The seminar on “Why deal with open data and what are the benefits” was organized for civil servants of central and local government bodies. The organizers were the ACSH, the Ministry of Information and Social Development of Kazakhstan, and the Graduate School of Public Policy of Nazarbayev University.

  • 1-2 December. Bishkek. The Kyrgyz Republic.

    Capacity development workshop on “Open Data Policies, Practices, and Cases” was organized for representatives of the authorized bodies of the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus to get acquainted with best practices in the framework of open data policies and successful cases of countries such as the Republic of Korea, Canada, Estonia. This event is a part of a joint project of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea, the National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea, UNDP, and ACSH.

  • 30 November - 2 December. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    “Futures Thinking And Scenario Planning For Policymakers” seminar was organized for top-level government officials. The organizers the Graduate School of Public Policy of Nazarbayev University jointly with the ACSH.

  • 25 November.

    Webinar on “Training of civil servants and fostering of innovations in the Republic of Korea”. Organizers: ACSH, Ministry of Personnel Management of the Republic of Korea, and the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs.

  • 2 November. Bishkek. The Kyrgyz Republic.

    The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic named after Zhusup Abdrakhmanov hosted a guest lecture by Doctor of the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw (Poland), expert of the ACSH, Ms. Jovanka Yakubek-Lalik on the topic: “Populism, authoritarianism and administrative law - reflections in the context of Central and Eastern Europe”.

  • 1 November. Bishkek. The Kyrgyz Republic.

    The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic named after Zhusup Abdrakhmanov hosted a guest lecture by the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the ACSH Mr. Alikhan Baimenov on the topic: “On Strategies, Management and Leadership in Public Administration”.

  • 25-26 October. Samarkand. Uzbekistan

    The workshop on "Digital Government Policy Frameworks" for representatives of the authorized bodies of the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Organizers: ACSH, the UNDP in Kazakhstan, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS), the National Information Society Agency (NIA) of the Republic of Korea, the e-Government Project Management Center under the Ministry for Development of ITC of the Republic of Uzbekistan and with the support of the UNDP in Uzbekistan and the OECD.

  • 10 October

    The presentation of the results of research work on the topic "Evaluation and analysis of educational programs "State and local government" in the universities of Kazakhstan". Organizers: ACSH, The Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center. Presentations of the speakers are available by the following links:


  • 19-21 September. Republic of Korea

    The study visit and seminar on "Provision of public services using the latest digital technologies" for government officials from 7 countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. The study visit was organized as part of a joint project of the MOIS, NIA, UNDP and ACSH.

  • 15-16 September. Astana, Kazakhstan

    Training on "Techniques to Conduct an Interview" for civil servants. The training was conducted by: Ms. Gulmira RAISSOVA, Chairman, Coordinating Council, HR Association Qazaqstan, partner of the Empower people, SCP SHRM.

  • 29-30 June

    The seminar on "Social networks - an effective platform connecting government agencies and the public" was held for the heads and employees of the press services of central government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The seminar was organized by ACSH and the Ministry of Information and Social Development of Kazakhstan.

  • 29 June

    The International Online Conference “Digital innovation in civil service management: Global trends and best practices", organized jointly by the ACSH, the Ministry of Personnel Management of the Republic of Korea, the Agency of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and HR Association Qazaqstan. Recording of the event's live streaming is available on the Facebook page of the ACSH.

  • 27-28 June

    The seminar on "Social networks - an effective platform connecting government agencies and the public" was held for the heads and employees of the press services of local executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The seminar was organized by ACSH and the Ministry of Information and Social Development of Kazakhstan (MISD).

  • 21 June. Tbilisi. Georgia

    The international meeting "Cooperation and Capacity Development in Digital Government". The event was organized by the ACSH, UNDP, MOIS, NIA, the Ministry of Justice of Georgia and the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia, as well as the World Bank.

  • 8-10 June.

    The International Human Capital Forum "Integration Code 2022". The Forum was organized by the HR Association Qazaqstan, the ACSH and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 7 June.

    ACSH panel session "Toward a People-Centred Governance: Countries’ Perspectives" within 2022 NU GSPP Conference "Public Policy and Good Governance in a Changing World". Presentations of the speakers are available by the following links:

    • Deputy Director of the Performance and Compensation Division of the Ministry of Personnel Management of the Republic of Korea Mr. An Suk Hwan

    • Senior Advisor of the Strategic Development Department of the State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ms. Sabina Huseynova

    • President and CEO of Facer Management Consulting (USA) Mr. Rex Facer

    • Project director of the Public Opinion Research Institute Ms. Botagoz Rakisheva


  • 2-4 June. Buсharest. Romania

    A capacity-development workshop on “Innovations and e-Government to Build a Resilient Public Administration” was jointly organised by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), the ACSH and the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee).

  • 20-21 April.

    The workshop on "Social networks - an effective platform for interaction between government agencies and the public " was organized by the ACSH in cooperation with the MISD for press secretaries, official representatives, and SMM managers of the central government agencies of Kazakhstan.

  • 5 April.

    The online lecture on "Decentralized Public Administration in Poland: The Position of Local Government" by Dr. Jovanka Jakubek-Lalik from University of Warsaw (Poland) as part of a series of joint online conferences "Public Administration and Civil Service Worldwide" by leading practitioners and scholars in public administration. Organizers: Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, ACSH, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 20 March. Jacksonville, Florida, USA

    The ACSH panel session "Public Administration Transformation in Post-Soviet countries: Diversity in the New Reality" within the framework of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) on the theme "Democracy under Threat: The Future of Equality in a Post-COVID World".

  • 9 March.

    The online lecture on "Classical Management and Public Administration as a Science. Model of Public Administration in North Macedonia" by Prof. Tetov University, former State Secretary of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration of North Macedonia, Dr. Jaahi Jaahia as part of a series of the joint online conferences “Public Administration and Civil Service Worldwide” by leading practitioners and scholars in public administration. Organizers: Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, ACSH, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 10 Februrary.

    Online seminar "Transparency and prevention of corruption". PPTs are available by the following links:


  • 9 Februrary.

    The Round Table on the Results of Research in the Public Service. The event was organized by the ACSH together with the Agency of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan. PPTs of the research results are available by the following links:


  • 7 December.

    ACSH panel session on "Governance in Post-Socialist Countries: Evolution and Challenges" in the framework of the 10th Annual Conference of the Association for Middle Eastern Public Policy and Administration, hosted by the Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU). Recorded livestream is available at the Facebook page. Presentations could be found under the links below:


  • 25-26 November.

    An online seminar on "Policy Making for the Development of Innovation and Digitalization" organized by the ACSH in cooperation with the MOIS and the NIA as part of a joint three-year project of the Government of the Republic of Korea, UNDP and ACSH.

  • 4-5 November.

    An online seminar on "Ecosystems and Conducive Environments for Innovation and Digitalisation to Flourish" organized by the ACSH in cooperation with the MOIS and the NIA as part of a joint three-year project of the Government of the Republic of Korea, UNDP and ACSH.

  • 15 October.

    The ACSH panel session "The Effect of The Covid19 Pandemic on Public Administration: Lessons Learnt; Perspectives for the Future" within 2021 NU GSPP Conference “Policy Change and Structural Reforms in Eurasia”.

  • 14 September.

    The Online Conference "Current Civil Service Reforms: Challenges and Prospects" jointly organized by the ACSH and State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Recorded livestream is available on the Facebook page. Presentations are available below:


  • 16-31 August.

    Turkistan Online Summer School Of Public Administration. The event was jointly organized by Akhmet Yassawi University and ACSH.

  • 30 July.

    The online round table on "Current situation and prospects of improving the system of state and social construction in Uzbekistan". The event was organized by the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Uzbekistan jointly with ACSH and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

  • 17 June - 16 July.

    A five-week online training course on "Digital transformation of public administration" for Vice Ministers, Heads of Digitalization Departments of state bodies of Kazakhstan and employees of the "Zerde" Holding. Organizers: ACSH, "Zerde" National Infocommunication Holding JSC and UNDP with the support of the e-Governance Academy of Estonia (eGA).

  • 28 June.

    The International Online Conference "HR Ddevelopment through E-learning: Experience of the Countries". Organizers: ACSH, the Ministry of Personnel Management of the Republic of Korea, the Agency of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and HR Association Qazaqstan. Recording of the event's live streaming is available on the Facebook page of the ACSH. Speakers from Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan (APA, HRAQ, WellDone), Republic of Korea, Ukraine and Uzbekistan provided their presentations:


  • 11 June.

    The international online conference on "Practices of One-Stop-Shop: Lessons for Timor-Leste". The event was organized by the ACSH jointly with the UNDP and the Ministry of State Administration of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.

  • 2 June.

    The online lecture on "Introduction to Public Administration. Doctrines. Concepts. Performance Conditions" by the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the ACSH Alikhan Baimenov for civil servants, faculty, students of the Atyrau region. The event was organized the ACSH jointly with the Department of the Agency of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Atyrau region and Atyrau University.

  • 26 April.

    The open lecture on "Motivation. HR Maturity" by the Chairperson of the Coordination Council of the Republican HR Association Qazaqstan. The event was organized jointly with the Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (available on the ACSH's YouTube channel).

  • 23 April.

    The open lecture on "Innovations in Public Administration" by the Director for Eurasia of the International Consulting Company Whiteshields Partners Yernar Zharkeshov. The event was organized jointly with the Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University.

  • 9 April.

    The ACSH panel session "Rethinking Leadership in Public Administration: Challenges and Prospects for the Post-Soviet Countries" within the framework of the Annual Conference of ASPA (available on the ACSH's Youtube channel).

  • 7 April.

    The open lecture on "Professionalization of State Apparatus: the case of Azerbaijan" by the Deputy Chairperson of the State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan Bahram Khalilov, organized jointly with the Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (available on the ACSH's Youtube channel).

  • 18 February.

    The open lecture on "Leadership and Corporate culture" by the Deputy Director of the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia Maia Dvalishvili. The event was organized jointly with the Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (available on the ACSH's Youtube channel).

  • 4 February.

    The open lecture on "Introduction. Doctrines and Сoncepts of Public Administration. Conditions for Effective Governance" by the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the ACSH Alikhan Baimenov. The event was organized jointly with the Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (available on the ACSH's Youtube channel).

  • 26 January.

    The ACSH panel session "HR Process in Public Administration: Challenges and Prospects" in the framework of the International Scientific-Practice Conference of the the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus dedicated to “Modern Public Administration: education, science, and practice”. Agenda is available here.

  • 23 December.

    The online roundtable for the presentation of the findings of the research on "Public administration during the pandemic" and "Communication strategies of government agencies in the context of crisis and reforms". Presentation is available here.

  • 22 December.

    The online roundtable for the presentation of the findings of the research on " Improving the system of performance evaluation of administrative civil servants and the government agencies" and "Development of systemic measures in the prevention of conflicts of interest".Presentation is available here.

  • 21 December.

    The online roundtable for the presentation of the findings of the research on "Improving management in government" and "Studying the role and status of modern HR in Kazakhstani organizations of the private, quasi-public and public sectors". Presentation is available here.

  • 23 October.

    The online conference on "Achievements and Challenges in the Development of e-Government in the Countries of the Region in the Context of the UN E-government Survey". The event was organized by the ACSH, the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the RK, UN DESA, JSC "National Infocommunication Holding “Zerde”.

  • 15 October.

    The ACSH panel session "Governance and Trust in the New Reality" in the framework of the 4th Annual international Scientific Online Conference of NU GSPP dedicated to "Sustainable Development Goals in Central Asia and the Challenges of Covid-19". Video recording of the panel session is available on the ACSH's YouTube channel and on the Facebook page.

  • 8 October.

    The webinar on "Rapid response to COVID-19 crisis: Whole-of-country approach to unlocking and recovery", was jointly organised by the ACSH and Whiteshields Partners.

  • 25 September.

    The online workshop "Emerging from COVID-19: Key Mindsets for a Resilient Public Sector", was organised jointly with the DO School Innovation Lab GmbH (Germany). Presentation of the speaker is available here.

  • 17 September.

    The online workshop "Governments' Crisis Communications During the Pandemic". Agenda of the event.

  • 24 June.

    The ACSH panel session on "Digital Practices and Solutions to Respond to the COVID-19 Induced Challenges in Governance" in the framework of the IIAS e-Conference 2020.

  • 18-19 June.

    The online workshop "Enhancing public servants’ performance under uncertainty" for civil servants, was organised jointly with the UNDP in Kazakhstan and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 17 June.

    The online conference "Human Resource Management in Civil Service Amid COVID-19: Best Practices and Solutions", jointly organized by the ACSH, the Ministry of Personnel Management of the Republic of Korea, the Agency of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs.

  • 15-16 June.

    The online workshop "Enhancing public servants’ performance under uncertainty" for the senior staff of civil servants, organized jointly with the UNDP and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • May 23 - October 24.

    Online HR Development Program "HR Workshop: HR Trends and Practical Skills", organized jointly with the Agency for Civil Service Affairs of Kazakhstan (available on the ACSH's Youtube channel)


  • 20 May.

    The online lecture on "Modern Challenges to Public Administration" by the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the ACSH A. Baimenov for civil servants of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The event was organized jointly with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Uzbekistan (available on the ACSH's Youtube channel).

  • 14 May.

    Global Web-Forum on "Governments’ agile response to COVID-19" organised by the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in cooperation with ACSH.

  • 6 May.

    International Scientific and Practical Conference "Distance Functioning of State Servants", was organised jointly with the Agency of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs, Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan, Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov.

  • 15-16 April.

    Online webinars "Best HR Practices in Public Service: the Experience of Belgium", following the study visit to the Directorate-General Recruitment and Development of the Belgian Federal Public Service Policy and Support (BOSA), were organised by the ACSH (available on the ACSH's Youtube channel).

  • 11 April.

    The HR-conference "HR! No more drama!". Organiser: HR Association Qazaqstan, ACSH.

  • 3-5 March. Brussels. Belgium.

    Study visit to the DG Recruitment and Development of the Federal Public Service Policy and Support of the Kingdom of Belgium (BOSA).

  • 27-29 November. Almaty. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Building Capacities of Training Schools and Institutes of Public Administration to Implement the 2030 Agenda and Attain SDGs", a joint capacity-development initiative of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UNDP with the support of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan and the "Government for Citizens" Public Corporation" NJSC.

  • 14-23 October. Singapore.

    The ACSH in partnership with the Civil Service College, Temasek Foundation and the Civil Service Agency of Kazakhstan co-organized the study visit to Singapore for high official civil servants to explore the best practices in Governance and Public Administration.

  • 26-27 August. Bishkek. Kyrgyz Republic.

    The workshop "Digital State as The Foundation for Sustainable Development" in the framework of Alliance of practitioners on e-Government development, jointly organized in partnership with the State Personnel Service of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 30-31 May. Tashkent. Uzbekistan.

    The workshop "Current Trends in the e-Government Development» in the framework of Alliance of practitioners on e-Government development", jointly organized in partnership with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Republic of Uzbekistan.

  • 1-9 May. Singapore-South Korea.

    Study visit for the learning of the experience of digitalization in the public administration, health and social welfare, law enforcement, the development of "smart" cities, transport management, the use of technology, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and industry 4.0.

  • 18-19 March. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    Training on Quality Management in Public Administration and Common Assessment Framework (CAF), jointly organized in partnership with the JSC "ERI". Experts: Thomas Prorok is the Deputy Managing Director of the Austrian KDZ, Centre for Public Administration Research; Ms. Samra Ljuca is Head of the Training Department of the Civil Service Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 25-28 February. Tokyo. Japan.

    Study visit "Best practices of public administration in Japan".

  • 21-22 February; 27-28 February; 4-5 March. Astana; 11-12 March. Shymkent; 14- 15 March. Aktobe. Kazakhstan.

    Training on Interviewing Techniques with Candidates for Public Service, organized jointly with the Agency of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption, HR Managers Association of Kazakhstan. Experts: Gulmira Raissovaа, Alvina Baizhumova, Tatyana Basharina, Gulmira Kulsharbekova, Iolanta Strikitsa, Elvira Sheikhova (UNDP).

  • 26-27 November. Laxenburg. Austria.

    The workshop "Strengthening anti-corruption cooperation in Central Asia and Afghanistan", organized jointly with the International Anti-Corruption Academy and the Agency of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption.

  • 19-23 November. Singapore.

    The workshop "Singapore’s Public Administration in Action", jointly organized in partnership with the Singapore Civil Service College, Temasek Foundation, and Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 7-13 October. Tallinn. Estonia.

    Study visit to Estonia for learning e-government.

  • 13-17 August. Washington (DC). USA.

    The FEI Leadership Development Program for Senior Officials, organized jointly with the FEI.

  • 9 June. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop for effective identification of partners for innovation in public services through the South-South network, organized jointly with the South-South Network for Public Service Innovation.

  • 29 May. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Economic Diversification and Promoting Investment: Lessons Learnt by Singapore", jointly organized with the GSPP of the NU.

  • 28 May. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Change Management", jointly organized with the GSPP of the NU.

  • 17-18 May. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Estonian E-health Information System: Experience, Challenges, and Prosperities", jointly organized with the NU. Expert was Dr. Madis Tiik, Tallinn Technology University.

  • 30 January – 1 February. Paris. France.

    Study visit of Heads of Agencies for Civil Service Affairs of the ACSH participating countries to the OECD.

  • 19-20 October. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Experience of Kazakhstan in the Public Services Development. Innovative approach: challenges and solutions for representatives of ACSH participating countries", jointly organized with the с NJSC "Government for Citizens".

  • 9-10 October. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Applying Behavioral Insights (BIT) to Public Policy".

  • 4-5 October. Chisinau. Moldova.

    Study visit to the Ministry of Justice.

  • 4-10 August. Estonia-Finland.

    Study visit to Estonia and Finland for learning Digital Governance.

  • 5-6 June. Baku. Azerbaijan.

    Study visit of representatives of the Agency of the RoK for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption to the State Agency for Civil Service and Social Innovations and ASAN services centers for learning one-stop-shop experience, control and assess the quality of public services.

  • 31 May – 2 June. Lisbon. Portugal.

    Study visit of the delegation from the HR department’s representatives of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Kazakhstan to Center for Judicial Studies.

  • 11-12 May. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Strategic Digital Communications for state bodies". Expert was Mike Kujawski, Center of Excellence for Public Service Marketing, Canada.

  • 3-4 May. Johor. Malaysia.

    Study visit to Johor on public service delivery at the initiative of the UNDP Global Center for the Civil Service Excellence.

  • 1-2 May. Tbilisi. Georgia.

    Study visit to the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia.

  • 23-27 April. Washington, DC. USA.

    Study visit of the Representatives of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Kazakhstan to the US Department of Justice.

  • 20-21 February. Tbilisi. Georgia.

    Study visit to Georgia for representatives of law enforcement agencies of Central Asia to learn best practices of prevention of corruption and improving the quality of public services.

  • 21 November. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The roundtable "Policy and Research for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Kazakhstan", jointly organized with the National Analytical Center of the NU and UNDP.

  • 10-11 November. Tbilisi. Georgia.

    The roundtable "Civil Service Reform: Development and Implementation of the Law on the Civil Service", jointly organized with the Bureau of the Civil Service of Georgia.

  • 9 November. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Improving the quality of public services in the light of implementation of the "Plan of the nation - 100 concrete steps", jointly organized with the Agency of the RoK for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption, GSPP of the NU.

  • 3-4 November. Sarajevo. Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    The workshop "Improving the Recruitment and Selection in the Civil Service: Human Resources Management Informatization System”, jointly organized with the Agency for Civil Service Affairs of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 7-8 June. Addis–Ababa. Ethiopia.

    The workshop for diplomats "Strengthening Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy in the context of Sustainable Development Goals".

  • 27 May. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    Peer-to-Peer Learning Alliance Engagement Workshop on Public Service Delivery, jointly organized with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 5 April. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    Editorial Board Brainstorming Sessions.

  • 5 April. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    Advisory Board Brainstorming Sessions.

  • 4 April. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop on "Professional Civil Service for Sustainable Development: Promoting OECD Standards and Principles Among the Emerging Economies of the ACSH Participating Countries", jointly organized with the UNDP and OECD.

  • 22 February. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Promotion of Innovation Environment", jointly organized with UNDP.

  • 22-23 February. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The lab "Innovation for National Stakeholders", jointly organized with the NESTA.

  • 11-12 February. Bangkok. Thailand.

    The roundtable "Motivation and Compensation of Civil Servants", jointly organized with the Office of Civil Service Commission, Thailand.

  • 7-9 December. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop developing research capacities of the ACSH participating countries, jointly organized with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 1-14 December. Beijing. China.

    The training on capacity building in the field of economic development for civil servants of ACSH member countries, jointly organized with UNDP and the Chinese Academy of Governance.

  • 11 November. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Public Employment and Management: Independence of the Civil Service", jointly organized with OECD and GSPP of the NU.

  • 25-26 August. Issyk-Kul. Kyrgyz Republic.

    International conference on "Сivil servants performance appraisal", organized by the ACSH with the support of the State Personnel Service of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • 19 June. New York. USA.

    The workshop "Institutionalizing the International Cooperation for Civil Service Excellence in the Context of Sustainable Development".

  • 22-23 May. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The brainstorming session "Strategic Foresight: Shaping the Future Civil Servant of 2030", jointly organized with the UNDP Global Center for Public Service Excellence and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 13 March. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Kazakhstan’s Civil Service Model: Experience and Prospects", jointly organized with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 8-10 October. Yerevan. Armenia.

    The workshop "Developing Government and Governance Capacities for Sustainable Development in CIS countries", jointly organized with Government of Armenia.

  • 3 October. Baku. Azerbaijan.

    The roundtable on the effective delivery of public services, jointly organized with the State Service Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, UNDP and OECD.

  • 23 May. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The roundtable "Topical Issues of Civil Service Personnel Management", jointly organized with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 21 May. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Modern Methods of Development Civil Servants Competences: EU Experience", jointly organized with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 21 May. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Competency-based Compensation of Civil Servants", jointly organized with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 20 May. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The workshop "Management Efficiency", jointly organized with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

  • 11-15 November. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    The master class in "Management in Government Agencies".

  • 28-30 October. Astana. Kazakhstan.

    First pilot seminar for civil servants of the CIS region (training programme), jointly organized with the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

Main areas of activities