Best practices and innovations
The Astana Civil Service Hub, following its mission and aiming to support the governments of the participating countries and contribute to a regional and global partnership, has launched the platform Virtual Alliance of practitioners to exchange knowledge, best practices and apply innovative solutions to respond to COVID-19.
Considering the global impact of the pandemic on the public, economic and other sectors, as well as emerging new challenges, technologies and reforms, the virtual platform expands the scale of activities, aiming to present current best practices & innovations in various fields of participating countries, institutional partners, experts, and practitioners.
All collected materials serve as a catalyst for learning lessons, finding “best fit” solutions, creating unique solutions and capacity building.

Experience of Kazakhstan: Digitalization of Almaty city
Brief description
The material was provided by the Zerde National Infocommunication Holding JSC, which presents the summary of solutions of the Department of Digitalization to combat Covid-19 in Almaty city.

Korean experience: «Management of the 21st General Election during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Korea»
Republic of Korea
Brief description
Shared by the South Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare document describes the voting process, preventive measures within the polling stations and disinfecting supplies. Detailed instructions on voting procces are provided for both infected people and for people in self-quarantine.

Korean experience: Seoul's Fight Against COVID-19
Republic of Korea
Brief description
Briefing note on practices and measures in tackling COVID-19 shared by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. It contains information on current status in Seoul, Seoul's COVID-19 timeline, measures and policies.

Korean experience: Critical role of the local government in tackling COVID-19
Republic of Korea
Brief description
Presentation material of one of the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre Webinar Series that describes key aspects of Seoul Metropolitan Government's fight against COVID-19

Experience of Armenia: «Measures taken for the normal functioning of the civil service system in the conditions of the pandemic»
Cases respond to COVID-19
Brief description
Information provided by the Civil Service Office of the Prime Minister's Office of the Republic of Armenia, which describes the main measures taken by the Government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Experience of Azerbaijan: «E-System for Permits and Monitoring to be applied during the Special Quarantine Regime»
Brief description
Presentation was provided by the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The material describes system of online registration of entry, exit and movement of citizens in the city during the quarantine period. Innovative system aims to minimize the possibility of the spread of the virus.