Astana Civil Service Hub Strengthens Cooperation with OECD

May 16 was marked by two significant events.

In Astana, at the UN office, a bilateral meeting took place between Alikhan Baimenov, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Astana Civil Service Hub, and Arno Prete, Acting Head of the Public Governance Reviews Division of the OECD Public Governance Directorate, along with Heather Boosman, an analyst in the OECD's Observatory of Public Sector Innovation.

During the meeting, current issues in the development of public administration in Kazakhstan and the region were discussed, as well as prospects for further cooperation.

Additionally, an online seminar titled "Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies in Public Administration" was held. The speakers included Barbara Ubaldi, Head of the OECD Digital Government and Data Unit, Joao Vasconcelos, and Constantin Rusu, leading experts from GovTech, part of the World Bank Group.

In his welcoming speech, A. Baimenov emphasized the importance of AI in public administration and the need to promote cooperation and knowledge exchange at all levels, both local and international. "AI should not be demonized, nor should it be ignored. It is important to focus on developing digital literacy, ethics, and the values of the specialists who manage AI and use it for the benefit of the people," he said.

Mr. Baimenov also presented the results of a study on this topic, reflecting the needs and demands of the countries of Central Asia, the Balkans, and the Caucasus.

Based on the study's results, the Astana Civil Service Hub plans to hold a series of seminars in participating countries with the involvement of leading global experts and organizations. This initiative aims to support governments while simultaneously strengthening partnerships and creating an Alliance of Practitioners in the field of AI.

At the seminar, Barbara Ubaldi discussed the results of a review on the ethical development and use of AI in the public sector. She also presented an international framework developed by the OECD to serve as a basis for implementing AI in the public sector, helping governments realize AI's potential while mitigating risks and overcoming limitations.

In their presentations, Joao Vasconcelos and Constantin Rusu emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to AI implementation. They shared practical ideas and strategies necessary for its successful integration into government operations. They showcased examples of successful projects, demonstrating how various countries have integrated AI to improve public services and enhance efficiency.

Over 70 representatives from 12 countries participated in the seminar. The seminar was conducted as part of the P2P Alliance of Practitioners.

Barbara UBALDI's Presentation
Publications referenced
Developing skills for digital government: A review of good practices across OECD governments
The OECD Framework for digital talent and skills in the public sector

João VASCONCELOS and Constantin RUSU's Presentation
Publications referenced
Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector : Maximizing Opportunities, Managing Risks
Tech Savvy : Advancing GovTech Reforms in Public Administration

Video recording 

Main areas of activities