More than 250 village akims in Kazakhstan learned about the development of local self-government in Kyrgyzstan.

On July 15, an open online lecture on the development of local governance in the Kyrgyz Republic was held as part of a joint project by the Astana Civil Service Hub, the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kyrgyzstan.

The keynote speaker of the event was Aaly Karashev, a well-known expert in public administration, former First Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Civil Service Agency, and a member of the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan.

Welcoming remarks were given by A. Baymenov, Chairman of the Governing Committee of the Hub, A. Abdieva, Vice-Rector of the Academy, and M.G. Mayer, head of the Foundation. Alihan Baymenov noted that in the modern world, the sustainability of public administration is largely determined by the potential and quality of local governance. This highlights the relevance of the topic and the efforts made by the governments of the region to strengthen this level of public administration.

In this context, he emphasized that the Hub pays special attention to this issue. Previously, the Hub prepared a case study on the local self-government system in Georgia**, and work is underway to study the experiences of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

In his speech, A. Karashev talked about the reforms being implemented in the rural districts of Kyrgyzstan, their impact on the socio-economic development of the regions, and the well-being of citizens, highlighting both positive aspects and problematic issues that need to be addressed. The lecture generated significant interest from the audience, who actively participated in the ensuing discussion.

*The series of open lectures "Public Administration and Civil Service in the World" has been held since 2022 as part of a joint project by the Astana Civil Service Hub, the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia, and the Kyrgyz Academy of Public Administration.

** This study can be found at the following link:

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