Experts and civil servants studied cases of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in the field of e-government during the 23rd CEPA Session

On 17 April, the ACSH held a side event during the 23rd Session of the Committee of the Experts on Public Administration in UN Headquarter in New York, USA. The side event was devoted to the progress, challenges, and prospects of e-government, showcasing the cases and experiences of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. 

Welcoming remarks were delivered by Mr. Alikhan Baimenov, Chairman of the ACSH Steering Committee, Mr. Vincenzo Aquaro, Chief of Digital Government, UN DESA, Ms. Sarah Lister, Head of Governance, UNDP BPPS, and Mr. Darkhan Zhazykbay, Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs. 

Addressing the pivotal role of innovative digital technologies in modern governance, Mr. Baimenov in his speech emphasized that governments are actively leveraging these tools to enhance public administration efficiency. According to him, these technologies have the potential to not only streamline operations but also bolster transparency, accountability, and citizen trust. Mr. Baimenov also noted that “despite similar backgrounds among the countries, each government accumulates its unique experience and builds its own path toward digital transformation. To stay aligned with the demands of the new reality, it is vital to engage in continuous learning, share best knowledge and practices, and collaborate with one another, while keeping in mind that there can be neither teachers nor students.”

During the ACSH side event, Mr. Shahin Aliyev, Advisor to the Chairperson of the Management Board of the Innovation and Digital Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Rustem Bigari, CEO of the Digital Government Support Center at the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Mr. Azizbek Khudaev, Deputy Director of the "Digital Government Projects Management Center" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, presented the experience of their country-specific experiences in implementing e-government initiatives. They also highlighted key achievements, successful implementations, and challenges faced during their journey towards digital transformation, showcasing innovative E-Government projects and their impact on public service delivery. 

The event provided an open platform for vibrant discussion of the role of E-Government in promoting good governance and citizen engagement.  It successfully gathered a diverse group of stakeholders - CEPA members, senior government officials, experts and scholars from Azerbaijan, Bangladesh Kazakhstan, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Slovakia, South Korea, Uzbekistan, as well representatives of international organisations, including AAPA, EROPA and UN, UNDP, UN DESA, UNOSSC, UNOPS.

All materials and presentations from the event are available below: 

[Presentation of Azerbaijan]

[Presentation of Kazakhstan]

[Presentation of Uzbekistan]


Main areas of activities